Rustle Works is a software studio formed as a partnership between musician/developer Damon Holzborn and writer/filmmaker Betsy Nagler. We combine our talents to design games and tools for creative people. We also collaborate on art projects that mix technology, music and storytelling.
little words
little words is a game with a simple goal: to break big words into smaller words. a jigsaw puzzle with letters.
A Numbers Game
A game involving numbers. In rows. And columns.
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A series of playable fairytales that put a subversive spin on the traditional princess story.
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Music Tools
A suite of Max patches that makes low-latency uncompressed audio and messaging interconnections over the internet, intended for musicians wishing to play together remotely.
Exquisite Coasts
A shared patch game for the small semi-modular synthesizers from Make Noise (0-Coast, Strega, 0=CTRL) and Moog (Mother 32, DFAM, Subharmonicon, Werkstatt).
Disting mk4 Quick Guide
A mobile-friendly, web-based cheat sheet for the Expert Sleepers Disting mk4 eurorack module.
Reference of Ancient Times
A mobile-friendly, web-based cheat sheet for the SOMA Laboratory Rumble of Ancient Times.
A text based drum machine for the web based on the Park pseudo live coding composition system.
Kiddie Rides of Brooklyn
A Twitter bot that sends the Kiddie Rides of Brooklyn on a tour through space and time.
Jerry Botheimer
A Twitter bot that pitches ideas for Hollywood blockbusters. New Oscar bait every day!
About a Bully
We're rubber and Trump's glue, whatever he said bounced off us and stuck to him.